Editorial Policy for Punch Parley

Editorial Standards

Accuracy: All factual claims and statistics must be verified with credible sources or direct observations from reputable boxing events and organizations.
Integrity: We maintain high ethical standards by disclosing potential conflicts of interest, including personal relationships or financial interests related to boxing promotions and athletes.
Fairness: We are committed to unbiased reporting and will present multiple viewpoints on contentious issues. All editorial content is reviewed to avoid unconscious bias, particularly regarding race, nationality, and gender.


Biases: Authors are required to disclose any affiliations with boxing organizations or individuals that might influence their viewpoints.
Bylines: We provide clear bylines and author bios for all published pieces to ensure transparency and accountability.

Submission and Review Process

Editorial Review: Submissions undergo a multi-tier review process, including initial assessment by the editor, fact-checking, and a final review for adherence to our editorial standards.
Feedback: Contributors receive feedback after the initial review and may be asked to revise their work to meet our standards.
Revisions: Significant editorial changes are communicated to the author for approval before publication.

Corrections Policy

Handling Errors: We are committed to correcting errors promptly. Corrections will be clearly marked and updated in the content.
Transparency: Our corrections policy is transparent, and readers are encouraged to report any discrepancies or concerns which will be addressed immediately.